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Citrus Fruits

Good Food is fuel for the Body, Mind and Soul

Image by Odiseo Castrejon

Welcome to Nutriwell
Nutrition & Wellbeing


Since 2008, we are committed to offering tailored nutrition coaching and support, empowering you to make informed decisions about your diet, health and wellness goals.

We don’t just provide diets! Our nutrition advice and coaching is based on scientific evidence and behaviour change techniques. We look at your food preferences, lifestyle and habits to support your health and wellbeing in the best possible way. We integrate nutrition recommendations, behviour change techniques, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies, educational food sessions and cooking activities in our practice to ensure a comprehensive and engaging approach to nutrition.


We have extensive experience collaborating with Healthcare providers and Education professionals. Our past collaborations include Public Health  teams, NHS care providers, councils, small and larger charities, education settings in primary and secondary schools, adult colleges, Universities, private Occupational Therapy practices.


We offer one-to-one and family consultations, nutrition and wellbeing seminars and courses, healthy cooking workshops for individuals and organizations.


Our special interests include children and family nutrition, women’s health, weight management, mental health support, sensory integration and Neurodivergence.


About  me 

​Hi, I'm Laura, the founder and Registered Nutritionist at NutriWell. Please find some additional information about me here:

  • BSc, PGCert and MSc in Clinical Nutrition 

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More information on my LinkedIn account.


Outside my professional life, I enjoy cooking, hiking, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and being active. I am mum to two neurodivergent teenagers and a cat, Luna.

About me - Laura



Initial assessment Phone Call

Follow up Consultation 

Online First Consultation 
Zoom - 1 HOUR

Weight Management Programme - 6 HOURS

First Consultation 

Healthy Cooking - 1 HOUR

All prices disclosed include a tailored plan, phone calls and emails

up to one month following the consultation.

Please note that we offer concessionary fees to clients claiming income support,

senior citizens, unemployed (es40), students and those on incapacity benefit.

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The NutriBrain Project

NutriWell Consultancy is excited to introduce The NutriBrain Project, an innovative project that integrates Nutrition, Psychology and Neuroscience to educate and offer robust support mental health and brain function, for both neurotypical and  neurodivergent communities.

This initiative aims to deepen the understanding of how dietary choices affect brain function, mental health, and overall wellbeing. By leveraging the latest research in clinical nutrition, cognitive neuroscience, psychobiotics and psychological practices, we will provide evidence-based workshops and personalized coaching sessions.


These programs will address the impact of nutrients on cognitive performance, the gut-brain connection in emotional regulation, and dietary strategies for managing stress, anxiety, executive functioning and other symptoms related to neurodivergence. There will also be some focus on sensory integration and any other challenges which can influence food intake and wellbeing.


Our goal is to empower all individuals with the knowledge and tools to make informed dietary decisions that enhance both physical and mental health, promoting a holistic approach to wellness and inclusivity for all.

Click below to keep up to date on The NutrBrain Project launch and initiatives

Join us for the next MindFOODness course.! This is an online or in person 6 weeks course. We meet once a week in a small group, where you will learn how to apply mindful eating, learning different techniques at every meeting and preparing a simple recipe together.


Click the link to find out when the next course is starting

Clients & Partners

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Clients' testimonials

“Laura has been incredibly helpful, organised and supportive throughout the whole process. Her knowledge of the field is extensive, and it is invaluable through her advice to us, ensuring we give the students the best possible support”.

Barbara (school teacher)

"Thank you Laura for helping my daughter with her diet. Her eczema is not flaring up as much as before, definitely a great improvement. We are also enjoying the cooking together and Hannah has been more open to trying new foods." 

Martha (Hannah's mum)

"Laura shows understanding, adaptability and empathy in her nutrition coaching. She is very proficient in identifying interconnecting factors which contribute to nutrition, including mental health, to provide a holistic care approach."

James (private client)

​Upcoming Events

Visit this page to find out about future talks, seminars and workshops.

Image by LUM3N


Click below to view a series of guides

Contact us

Call us on 07725 941 715 or email us at

or use the contact form here

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  • Instagram

Thank you for getting in contact.

We will get back to you within 48 hours.

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